Real Life Stories: How Ukrainian Dairy Farms Work Under War Conditions
The war has affected all dairy farms in Ukraine, from small to large, those that survived warfare and occupation, and those that were far from them. During the webinar «Dairy Farming at War: Real Stories» farmers from Sumy, Kyiv and Chernihiv regions shared their stories, problems and plans.
Our main task now is to preserve dairy farms
One war for all, but everyone has his own front. Our common victory depends on everyone’s dedication at his or her workplace and everyone’s cohesion. Oleksiy Prymachok, Head of Sales Department, talks about how the company DK FEED works under war conditions and helps dairy farmers solve urgent problems.
Feed market: tensions are rising
«I read a lot of publications on this topic, and I see a mistake that is repeated by absolutely everyone, talking about the „Ukrainian grain“ that saves the world from hunger and identifying it with wheat. This is not true — the problem is deeper and it is not seen, or just do not want to complicate. Below in more detail», — says Andiy Yarmak.