

Cooperation — a child of poverty and mother of well-being

One of the main problems of development of small and medium business in Ukraine is a problem of effective marketing of agricultural products they produced, especially in international markets. Basically this is due to insufficient volumes to independent trade abroad.

One of the ways out of this situation is the co-operation of producers. Theory and practice of the cooperative movement suggests that this is one of the most effective ways of realization of production. In addition, Ukrainian legislation in the sphere of organization of cooperatives is considered one of the most liberal in Europe, therefore based on it is possible to simulate any form of cooperative activities, including in the field of marketing.

Read more in the magazine «Milk and Farm» № 3 (34), June 2016.

World prospects of Ukrainian beef
Jacob Brandt: «Poor farmers in a good year earns less than a good farmer in the poor year»

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“Profitable Pig Production” magazine