

Evhenia Uvarkina: “When we unite, we become a force to be reckoned with”

Evhenia, what do you think about the union of producers? What should it be? What is their purpose?

I am firmly convinced that nowadays the milk producers in Russia and Ukraine are ready to adequately defend themselves and their interests through unions and associations. All those problems that are in the field — constant fluctuations in milk prices, the permanent opposition of producers and processors with tug of war, technology issues — made me think what to do to change things for the better.

Thus, I have had the idea, which can be conventionally called a “pyramid”. At the heart of the pyramid there are four anchor points.

The first point is the regional associations of milk producers or in other words, subsidiaries of the Federal Union Soyuzmoloko. These are non-profit associations involved in public activity. For such a big country like Russia, there is a need in high-quality work of regional alliances, which in turn will allow to do better work under the Federal Union and a more stable dairy industry, accordingly. The main function of regional unions is to consolidate the interests of milk producers in the region, put proposals forward on a federal level and inform about changes in the field (feedback).

The second reference point is supplying cooperative on sale (SCS). This is a commercial association, which assumes the responsibilities of the implementation of milk. By the way, today we have experienced a similar cooperative work in Lipetsk region.

The cooperative organizes relationships between dairy producers and processors. Long-term contracts and transparent terms, pricing — these are the authority and care of the cooperative. In addition, nowadays we think that a cooperative should be engaged in supplying raw materials for livestock.

The third reference point has a refined name — intellectual clubs of milk producers.This is an inter-regional structure, a voluntary association with the best milk producers who are willing to share experience in applying technology and efficient business.

The fourth reference point of the pyramid is regional power, which is also seeking constructs. It is tired of us, that we are constantly nagging and cranky, though we clearly understand that if you are drowning, you are on your own.

See full version in Milk and Farm Journal, № 4, March, 2010.

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