

Bronchopneumonia in calves. The complex problem requires complex solutions

Vladislav Hanyeyev, Doctor of Veterinary Science

Bronchopneumonia in young animals is very common and is second only to gastrointestinal diseases. Almost every other animal is sick with it. Calves suffer all year round, and in hot climates often in June-August. Bronchopneumonia is the reason for the suspension of growth and development of young animals, increasing costs of feed and mortality.

This situation is caused by not only known etiological factors of the first (unsanitary housing conditions, high humidity areas, sharp fluctuations in daily temperature) and second order (pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora), but the immunodeficiency that occurs in about 60-70% of newborn calves.

Many infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma) on different farms are involved in the pathological process in different combinations. Often, viruses and mycoplasmas are the primary infectious pathogens and bacteria complicate the pathological process in an already weakened body.

The most common viruses that cause pneumonia in calves are respiratory syncytial virus (RV), infectious rhinotracheitis virus (IRV), parainfluenza-3 (PG-3), viral diarrhea (VD). Each of them separately and in combination with others can cause significant problems in the herd. Mycoplasmas often cause chronic pneumonia and Mycoplasma bovis - acute pneumonia.

Read more information in the magazine «Milk and Farm» № 3 (10), June 2012

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