

How to detect adulteration of soybean meal

Vladimir Yaroshenko, a consultant of feed production, teacher of Uman National University of Horticulture

Natalia Bezpala, Head of the Laboratory «First of May» feed factory Ltd.

Soybean meal is popular in Ukraine protein component of animal feed, which is increasingly being used in diets for different animals. The benefits of this product are known almost to everyone who is engaged in livestock breeding, particularly in feed production. Let’s emphasize the fact that almost everyone who develops recipes for feed, buy the said component via an ideal combination of price and quality.

Demand creates supply

As it should be in a market economy, demand creates supply: production of soybean meal in Ukraine is constantly increasing; new companies are built, more equipment for soybean processing is produced. Annually soybean planting increases and gradually livestock and poultry increases. For example, once unheard in Ukraine feeding cows with the addition of soy products — now is a reality to which the animals responded with increase of milk yield and protein content in it. Modern pig producers also form rations with soybean.

It would seem all is in harmony and idyll. But «the devil is in the details». The desire of individual processors get higher profits leads them to a series of adulteration. In particular, let’s try to summarize the recently discovered examples of soybean products fake, without naming specific companies. And also give recommendations on how to expose such adulteration.

More information you can read in the magazine «Milk and Farm» # 1 (14), February 2013

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