

The status «national» does not interfere with development

Taurichanka village of Kherson region is one of the most beautiful and most comfortable in Ukraine. There are no yards left here, young people return to live and work happily here. It is here that the experimental farm «Askaniiske» successfully works. Despite the status «national», enterprice does not receive financial assistance from the state.

Own processing and creation of added value

About five years ago, his diplomatic mission in Slovenia ended. He returned to Ukraine, thought about joining the public service. Walked along the corridors and offices of state institutions, saw people in expensive suits who speak well and react weakly to what is happening around in the life of the country.

Calves breeding: Ukrainian experience

We want to talk about the experience of the breeding farm «Promin» (Mykolaiv region), where the high productivity and health of livestock are successfully combined with the production efficiency. Sergey Yasevin, director of the farm, will help us in this.

Own way

«If to look from the outside, it may seem that our production has many features. Of course, for someone this is a feature, for us it is already the norm. Everyone should do what is right for him and what he believes in», — says Dmitry Samsonenko, deputy director of livestock management of the farm named after I. Franko, that is in Gubin First village Volyn region.

Dairy Iowa: the secrets of success

How the dairy farms work in Iowa State, which is located in the Midwest of the US between the largest rivers Mississippi and Missouri, we told in the previous issue of our magazine. This time, as promised, we will focus on the three whales that keep the industry and ensure its continued development.

Modern cow and feeding

Holsteins: triumphant rise and crises

Cows imported in the middle of the XIX century in the US from Holland and subsequently named Holstein, showed a phenomenal ability for genetic modification.

World prospects of Ukrainian beef

On November 24, in the framework of the food exhibition Ukrainian Food Expo, the first congress of beef producers and exporters of the Ukrainian Beef Congress was held. The highlight of the congress was the presentation of business plans for fattening young cattle, slaughter and processing developed by the FAO/EBRD special project.

From collective farms to modern technologies

On the territory of the former kolkhoz in the village of Katashin, Chechelnitsky district, Vinnytsia region, a modern agricultural enterprise - agro-firm "Ukraine-O" - is currently operating.

Making of quality silage: composing puzzle

Daily feeding of cows throughout the year depends to a large extent on a few days when roughage is made. The better it is, the easier it is to balance the rations and ensure the stable production of milk.

Feed production: countries are different — the problems are the same

British silage making expert Dave Davis is considered one of the best specialists in this field. For more than thirty years, he has been exploring all aspects of silage making, various feed crops, silage supplements, the effect of silage on the efficiency of rumination and the productivity of cows.

“Profitable Pig Production” magazine