

More cheese from milk

Olga Zaritsky

Not surprisingly, the Netherlands is the largest exporter of cheese in the world. Each year, the country produces 650 million. Kg of this product, two thirds of which are partaking in other countries. It is a result of not a dozen years of research and selection. To learn how to produce more cheese from milk, expert from the Netherlands, Consultant CRV Hervin Kerkdayk told at the Dutch milk day, which was held this year.

More and more milk protein

Each year, the Dutch farmers are milking about 12 mln. of milk. Almost 50% of raw milk (this corresponds to 210 ths. tons of protein) is for the production of cheese. How much cheese can be obtained depends from the protein contents in milk.

More information read in the magazine «Milk and Farm» № 5 (24), October 2014

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