

№ 4 (77) | August, 2023

Table of contents


The road map for the dairy industry recovery. Milk and dairy products at school

Markets. Prices. Forecasts

Abnormal heat, weak market activity, limited demand: adaptation to new conditions continuesAbnormal heat, weak market activity, limited demand: adaptation to new conditions continues

Feeds and feed production: "waiting" mode

Farm of the war period

If one is injured, the other must become the source of rebirth. Interview with Serhiy Yasevin, director of Promin Ltd. (Mykolaiv region)

Cross-ventilation possibilities, or 2300 cows under one roof

War is just war, but cows have to be milked

Business strategy

Milk composition: what dairies really pay for and how farmers can earn more

Technologies. Researches. Innovations

How to milk 40 liters of milk without alfalfa

Rye, corn and organic fertilizers

Choline is an essential nutrient for dairy cows in transition period

Mycotoxins in feeds are a threat to health and product failure

Control of vitamin supply as an element of herd health management

Whole milk substitutes: briefly about the main points in the questions and answers

Ketafur: double action against infectious diseases of the cattle

How to prevent and treat ringworm in cattle

“Profitable Pig Production” magazine