

European dairy cares. Ukrainian year summary

The third month of the year 2011 is passing. The results are given, rankings are compiled for the last year. European analysts have noted positive trends on the global market: the demand for dairy products in the world is increasing noticeably. The issues of the dairy industry, the regulation of relationships between producers and milk processors are concerned not only in Ukraine. The European Dairy Association (EDA, European Dairy Association), having reviewed recent legislative programs of the EU, expressed some concern that the so-called Milk Package, recently developed by the EU Commission, provided mostly adaptive measures to improve the situation of farmers. In short, the document contains three offers as to regulation of relationships between farmers and dairy processors. They concern the functioning of processors associations (OP), inter-industrial organizations, and contracting.

See full version in Milk and Farm Journal, № 4, March, 2010.

Cheese makers in the siege

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