

Integrity in farm business

Phil Durst, Sr. Extension dairy educator from Michigan (USA), a participant of the 7-th Ukrainian Dairy Congress

What are the values that describe your business? Does “integrity” come quickly to mind? It’s on my mind and I’d like to share some thoughts with you about it. Webster’s Dictionary lists several similar meanings among which are “firm adherence to a code of moral values; incorruptibility; the quality or state of being complete or undivided” and lists honesty as the synonym. In short, integrity means that there is no difference between what you say and what you do — with no intention of deception.

If you want, you can achieve all

At first glance, ordinary, nothing special remarkable man. But talking more, at once you notice the unusualness of this person. Very clever, wise, and most importantly a dedicated to his job, Mr. Pon devoted almost his entire life to Holsteins...

You have come a long way from a simple farmer to the owner of the world's largest holding of artificial insemination. What helped you?

I never stayed at one place and always followed my father's advice: "Do not be average, look for greater!".

“Profitable Pig Production” magazine