

Will the new sunflower meal be cheaper?

Valery Pekin, the analyst of «Phoenix Agro»

End of 2014/15 marketing year was marked by a deficit in the domestic market of sunflower. Farmers considered unworthy purchase prices and didn’t sale oilseeds.

Concentrated feeds

ValeriyaPekin, agricultural market analyst company "Phoenix Agro"

Brewer’s grain

The main factors determining the price of grain in the domestic market, is a reorientation of the export sales of the product and the fluctuations of the national currency. The tone is set in pricing the big players. In late April, Ukraine's grain worth 4600-5000 USD./t (EXW).

What we feed and sell: European legislation demands to feed and beef

Ruslana Butylo, Head of Anlytical Department of Dykun Company

We continue a series of articles about the requirements of the EU to conduct milk and meat business. This time, our attention is focused on the hygiene of feeds, animal identification and labeling requirements of beef.

Spilled water cannot be collected or the Efficiency of water use in the dairy industry

Ruslan Butylo, head of the analytical department of the company «Dykun»

In the nearest future, Earth's population can face one of the biggest challenges in its history - a shortage of drinking water. Already, one in six Earthling is experiencing shortage of fresh water. It is known that considerable volumes of water are used for industrial production, and its wastes pollute sources.

Will Georgians taste Ukrainian milk?

Ruslana Butylo

Ukrainian farmers are looking for new markets, which in the future replace Russian market. From 15 to 17 September, 2014 there was a trade mission to Georgia, which was attended by representatives of the agricultural and processing enterprises of Ukraine. Minister of Agriculture and Food Ihor Shvaika headed the delegation. In his speech at the Georgian-Ukrainian business forum, he stressed the need to establish new contacts and expand cooperation. Ministers of both countries signed a protocol. What might be interesting for Ukrainian producers in Georgia? Let us find out.

Export to Europe. The willingness of companies and the experience of neighbors

Interviewed by Tatiana Antonenko, International Dairy Magazine

The discussion of expanding markets for Ukrainian dairy producers seem to be moving from the stage of abstract meditation and strategic plans to the stage of action. In any case, the number of Ukrainian milk processing enterprises ready to sell their products in Europe is quite large: 30.

How events in Ukraine affect the dairy trade and industry development

Tatiana Antonenko, International Dairy Magazine

The tragic events unfolding in Ukraine and around it, can not affect the economy and the intensity of its international trade relations. In recent years, with varying degrees of activity according to a number of factors occurring, so-called «cheese war» between Russia and Ukraine takes place.

Milk Processing. Between Dairy Farm and Consumer

Tetiana Antonenko, International Dairy Magazine

It is logically to look round and make some conclusions at the end of the year. If you have a look at numbers, milk processing in Ukraine, in spite of being sensitive to changes, shows rather good results. At the same time, production and consumption statistics in some way reflects existing problems. 

Milk Rivers for the Black Continent

Ruslana Butylo

Ukrainian dairy export isn’t diversified enough. Most dairy products get to near-abroad, especially to Russia. Having some priorities our neighbor sometimes sets limitations or blocks imports of Ukrainian dairy products. Such steps influence negatively both dairy processors and producers. As a result, there is a need to look for new markets, where Ukrainian operators could distribute their products. 

Abolition of Milk Quotas in the EU: the Impact on Ukrainian Dairy Industry

Tetiana Antonenko, International Dairy Magazine

It’s not the first year when international dairy community, especially European, discusses possible impact on dairy production after abolition of milk quotas in EU. Such a term as ‘postquotas period’ has appeared in analytical reports. European Parliament also works on scenarios of dairy industry development after 2015. Experts criticize some of its work. Business doesn’t ‘stand still’ as well: huge investments in equipment for milk-powder production affirms that processing is preparing for ‘milk tsunami’. There is a point that milk producers won’t be able to raise production essentially.

“Profitable Pig Production” magazine